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YU achieved the highest grade of “Excellent (A)” in annual evaluation of regional innovation projects (RIS). N

  • Writer PR team
  • Date : 2023.08.18 18:11
  • Publication Date : 2023.07.25
  • Views : 8214

Daegu-Gyeongbuk Regional Innovation Platform secures an additional KRW 4.8 billion from the government… 2nd year KRW 75.1 billion project promotion

Substantial collaboration between the government, academia, and industry has been achieved to participate in key areas such as future car conversion parts

YU leads “future car conversion parts business” as a central university

[July 25, 2023]

실내, 컨벤션, 회의장, 의류이(가) 표시된 사진

자동 생성된 설명

<Daegu-Gyeongbuk Regional Innovation Platform Future Car Conversion Parts Project Group Performance Sharing Festa (March 2023 Daegu Inter-Burgo Hotel)>


The Daegu-Gyeongbuk Regional Innovation Platform, which is promoting “Local Government-University Cooperation-Based Regional Innovation Project” (hereinafter referred to as the “RIS Project”), received the highest grade of “Excellent (A)” in the first year annual evaluation. YU (President CHOI Oe-chool) is leading the project as a central university in the RIS project promoted by the Daegu-Gyeongbuk Regional Innovation Platform.

 The RIS project is a project that supports local governments, universities, and regional innovation institutions to establish a regional innovation platform to establish a mid- to long-term development plan tailored to industrial demand, select key fields according to development goals, and promote university education and regional industry innovation in connection with this. Daegu-si, Gyeongbuk-do, 23 universities including Kyungpook National University and YU, 14 regional innovation agencies and research institutions, and more than 200 regional companies participate in the project. Reorganization of education system and cooperation with regional innovation agencies will be done focused in core areas with investment of KRW 331.2 billion for five years in maximum. 

 As the result of evaluating the performance of the first year (2022) implementation performance and achievement indexes and of the implementation plan for next year, Daegu-Gyeongbuk Regional Innovation Platform was evaluated to have classified the types of regional innovative talents, to have provided and operated various non-curricular programs according to convergence-major education course to meet demanders, and to have successfully implemented projects with substantial collaboration among participating universities, local governments, and enterprises in two major areas consisting of electronic information devices and future car conversion parts.The Daegu-Gyeongbuk Regional Innovation Platform received an excellent grade in the first year project evaluation and secured an additional KRW 4.8 billion from the government, and in the second year of this year, it will invest KRW 75.1 billion, including government funds and subsidies from local governments, to promote the project.

As a central university in the RIS project, YU is in charge of the Future Car Conversion Parts Project Group. With the goal of future car transformation innovation and local settlement of young people, YU implements university education innovation such as  Future car R&D collaboration  Future car ecosystem creation  Fostering global future car parts companies, along with carrying out tasks in each core field Future car convergence major and new track  University education innovation including site, sharing, and metabus operation. 

As a result of the first year evaluation, the project composition to create a virtuous cycle ecosystem of talent cultivation-technology development-corporate support for Future Car Conversion Parts Project Group is systematic and the collaboration system centered on universities-research institutes-corporate support organizations (Gyeongbuk Technopark, etc.)-local companies. In addition, it was also evaluated to be good that a meta-campus was constructed to revitalize a shared university with 15 universities in the Daegu-Gyeongbuk region so as to allow students in the Daegu-Gyeongbuk region to complete their major in future car convergence in the respect that a challenging educational innovation model was developed.

 President CHOI Oe-chool of YU said, “In the large-scale national support project in which major regional institutions such as government, academia, industry, and research institutes participate, excellent results have been achieved from the first year. I think it is the result of participation of all organizations in the RIS project, including YU, pooling their capabilities. The RIS project is a project that requires the entire community to come together for new leaps and innovations. Based on the achievements of the first year as a stepping stone, YU will do its best as a central university so that it can produce remarkable results year after year.