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Yeungnam University participates in restoration of damages for earthquake in China N

  • Writer YU
  • Date : 2008.10.06 10:45
  • Views : 15148

10,000 USD Disaster Relief Fund Donated to Sichuan University of China
Chinese foreign student association voluntarily performed fund drives and donated 5 million won
[May 29, 2008]

“There are 820 Chinese international students at our university and we have more sister-relationships with different Chinese colleges than any other university in the country. That\'s why we feel very sorry for the earthquake in China. We hope that they know how much we want to share their pain and hope that we can be at least a small help in restoring the damages.\"

Yeungnam University rolled up their sleeves to help with restoring the damages of the earthquake in China. In the morning of the 29th, president of Yeungnam University Tong Ki Woo (56) showed his support and encouraged international students from China at the reception room. He also put 10,000USD in donations for the faculty to be sent to Sichuan Unviersity in Sichuan, China.
 Sichuan University is the largest national university in Sichuan province, China. The two universities became sister-colleges since 2005 and has had a close relationship. There have been more than 20 exchange students between the two schools. Therefore, Yeungnam University felt obliged to do something for the sister university\'s direct and indirect damages.

On the 16th, Yeungnam University received a letter from Sichuan University. They asked for help in establishing a relief fund to help the students in the area of the earthquake. Yeungnam University immediately collected 10,000 USD and sent it to Sichuan University.

Wang Meng Jiong (21, junior majoring in English), who came as an exchange student from Sichuan University in September of last year, said that he was \"Impressed not on how much that was donated, but at their attitude to help as if it was their own problem.\" He also added, \"I will never forget Yeungnam University for their help in our time of need.\"

In addition, international students from China at Yeungnam University also had a fund on the 15th and 16th and collected about 4.5 million won and donated it to the Chinese Red Cross. Last week, they also held another fund drive during the college festival and raised another 500 thousand won and sent it to the donation box to Sichuan University on the 29th.

Vice president of the Yeungnam University Chinese student association, Woo Zi Liang (masters degree in fiber fashion) said, \"At first we were going to quitely hold a fund drive among the Chinese students because of the unfortunate incident recently with the Olympic torch. But, we were surprised with the support of the Korean students and we are very thankful. The hearts of the Koreans who helped us will be a great help for the Chinese to overcome this terrible disaster.\"

Meanwhile, Sichuan University donated 1 million RMB (app. 150 million won) on the 15th and officially announced the \'establishment of student relief funds for the disaster area\'. Sichuan University asked its sister universities in Korea such as Dongguk University, Konkuk University and Woosong University, as well as universities in Taiwan, Japan and Thailand in order to continuously provide relief efforts such as scholarships and financial support to students, volunteer groups composed of faculties and graduate school students, medical and education services, psychiatrist programs for post traumatic stress disorders, etc. Currently, Lee Eun-joo (22, senior majoring in Chinese) of Yeungnam University studying at Sichuan University is working as a volunteer at ground zero.