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YU Law School's 1st Class alumni donated KRW 30 million as alma mater's development fund N

  • Writer PR team
  • Date : 2023.03.22 14:00
  • Publication Date : 2023.03.14
  • Views : 8896

Alma Master Visit Event in February … 1st Class alumnus lawyers gathered together for the sake of their alma mater and juniors

In 2021, too, 39 alumnus lawyers donated KRW 110 million as development fund

Yearly graduated alumni’s alma master visit event is planned.

[March 14, 2023]

텍스트, 사람, 포즈, 스탠딩이(가) 표시된 사진

자동 생성된 설명

The lawyers of YU Law School (hereinafter referred to as Law School) donated development fund for development of YU, their alma master.

 More than 20 alumnus lawyers, 1st class graduates from YU Law School, visited YU in February. The 1st class graduates gathered together to help development of their ma master and had the 1st alma master visit event. They met President CHOI Oe-chool and expressed their will to donate KRW 30 million to help development of the university.

 Lawyer MOON Kang-seok participated in the alma master visit event and said, “After graduating from Law School, I acted as a lawyer in society and, whenever I met my classmates, I exchanged many opinions about the will to contribute in development of my alma mater. I hope that my alma mater develops and my juniors are supported for their studies. I will continue to support my alma mater and my juniors as soon as I get a chance.  I hope continuation to a good tradition.”

 President CHOI Oe-chool of YU said, “Legal professionals from YU ranging from YU School of Law to current Law School are active in all areas and levels and maintain the status as a cradle for training legal professionals. Thank you for not forgetting your alma mater and juniors in spite of your busy living in each area. To foster legal professionals who realize social justice, the university will do it’s best to support them. We ask for your interest and support in the future.”

텍스트, 사람, 실내, 천장이(가) 표시된 사진

자동 생성된 설명

<The 1st alma master visit event by YU Law School>

 It is not the first time that legal professionals from YU Law School donated development fund to their alma master. Last year in 2021, 39 alumni donated a total of 110 million won, and the first alumni also donated 10 million won in addition to the 30 million won donated for this event. Starting with this event, YU Law School intends to have plans to hold an annual alma mater visit event for alumni.