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“Nairamdal Medal,” Mongolia’s highest award for goodwill awarded to foreigners N

  • Writer PR team
  • Date : 2023.03.08 10:37
  • Publication Date : 2023.02.27
  • Views : 9613

Contribution to academic exchange & development between Korea and Mongolia as the Chairman of Korea Mongolian Society

Leading Mongol Studies through active research activities as a representative musician of Korean Mongolian Musicology

[February 27, 2023]


Professor PARK So-hyeon majored at Korean Classic Music in YU Department of Music received “Nairamdal Medal” given by President Ohna Khurelsukh of Mongolia. It is the highest award for goodwill awarded to foreigners.

 Professor PARK So-hyeon is cultivating experts of Korean Classic Music and Folk Music. She has served as Vice-Chairman and is now serving as Chairman of Korea Mongolian Society and was recognized for her active contributions in academic exchange between Korea and Mongolia for more than 20 years as well as development in Mongolian Studies in Korea and expansion of research network between both countries.

 Professor PARK is the only musicologist representing Mongolian Music in Korea. She has been making active research activities with more than 60 research theses through field surveys in Mongolia for more than 20 years. She received “Medal of Honor for the 800th Anniversary of the Great Mongol Empire” with recognition of her contributions as the youngest female Mongolian scholar in 2006 and worked as the Mongolian Presidential Cup World Moringhor Competition Judge.

 Meanwhile, the award ceremony for the Nairamdal Medal was held at 6:00 pm on February 14th at the Korean-Mongolian Businessmen's Dinner in Grand Hyatt Seoul Hotel. At that place, Minister Batmunkh Battsetseg of Foreign Affairs of Mongolia gave Nairamdal Medal to Professor PARK So-hyeon.